September 20, 2023 Conservation Meeting

Event Date: 
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 6:00pm


The conservation commission will hold it's regular meeting Wednesday September 20th at 6:00pm in the Town House auditorium. It will be in person and on zoom. The zoom address can be found on the town's web page. Below are the filings on our agenda:

1. Cutting two dead trees near a resource area at 167 Sessions Rd. They present a hazard to the home. (RDA filed)

2. Reviewing a proposal to bring a section of the driveway closer to the home to eliminate stairs at the homes entrance. Resource areas are present near a section of the driveway.

3. Cutting large dead limbs and smaller branches from a tree between the home at 778 Main Street and the road. This would present a danger to the home if it fell. It is within the 200 ft Riverfront. (RDA filed) 

4. Installing a new roof on the VFW pavilion  (RDA filed)

5. A Request for a Certificate of Compliance filed for A Septic System installed at 175 Stafford Rd in 2014. This is needed for a closing.